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Monday, August 15, 2011

Off the Wagon

Okay, so I haven't posted anything because I've been hiding something.


I've failed at the no shopping task, but also, in another way, succeeded wonderfully.

The failure comes in the sense that I've made purchases of items I did not *need* essentially, but did need to complete projects I *want* to partake in.
Most, if not all, have been items that I will use appropriately and will no accumulate as 'hoarded' items. Some have been free.

Free useable items earn me brownie points, with myself and with the environment. I'm a super keen reuse supporter and participator. Despite this, I have also been driving past (literally) many a free and usuable opportunity. Here comes the success part of the story. I am hoarding less, understanding that just because it's free and useful, it doesn't mean *I* have to collect it. In fact it doesn't mean anyone has to. It would be good, but it's not essential. Sometimes things will go to landfill, and even though I will always do my best to get an item to a good home, sometimes I can't and others I shan't.

Another *win* occurred today when shopping with Mrs Craft and Miss Op. One of our stops was a shoe warehouse, with very cheap, very pretty shoes available in many sizes. I really love this shop.

On my last visit I purchased 30 (yes, 30!) pairs of shoes. On arrival they greet me by name and receive wonderful service. Today, I tried and desired two pairs....and then walked The best part was that I didn't feel like missed out! I was fine! I survived! And maybe even thrived without the bargain! Yay me! I hope Mr Skinny is as proud as I am.

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, although the new shop assistant helped in my anti-buying decision. She was a nasty piece of work (I don't like to swear in writing) and she was mean to Miss Chellychatter. Anyone that knows me knows that if you are mean to my spawn, expect me to bite. So in one way, this woman actually helped me. I got out of that shop without buying faster than lightning. The regular shop keeper watched on in horror. For the first time in four years I left without purchase.

A win for me! I am cured! At least for now...

Please note: Anyone needing a desk (school type) there are about 15 of them on Kissing Point Road, Ermington near the Barracks/Hospital. (I didn't even take one! - See, I am behaving!)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Adventures on the Road...

Wow, this not buying thing is hard, especially when a) I shop for a living and b) I am friends with Aunty Suzie. She is a badddddd influence! Not in the kind of way where my parents should be worried, but in the kind of way were my space should be worried! We always have an amazing time shopping and chatting and rummaging through whatever may cross our paths, and she is great fun to be around! My Chellychatter really loves her too, so it's a win-win for all! Well, except for the space lack of space in my house...

I was fairly well behaved on our regular Wednesday Op Shop travels, but did buy a couple of things, but I am still well under the 'But, Budget' I gave myself for the month.

What's a 'But, Budget' I hear you ask...Well let tell you..because I just made it up. I made it up in order to not go insane, as in general I am avoiding 90% of shopping, 10% still manages to provide me incredible finds. It's not an actual number, but it provides me with som level of liberty, with a big dose of self control!

Example: I went to one shop (instead of ten) and purchased one pair (instead of ten) of brand spanking new Diana Ferrari canvas boat shoes, tag reads $99.99, for sale for $2.99, size 10, only one pair! As if I'm going to let that pass! I'm challenging myself, not torturing myself!

As for the other things, they were ALL free! It amazing what people throw out! Too much to list!

Pictured: $2.99 shoes, (found) bone china teacups, (found) punch bowl with matching punch cups, (found) lace table cloth.

As I'm decluttering, this exercise of finding amazing things was bitter sweet. But to make up for everything that came in, I filled a bag of clothes that I probably will never wear again...(well once they are gone I definitely won't...)

Unfortunately for me I don't keep teacups and punch-bowls in my wardrobe!

So now that I've put it out there, what's the strangest thing you have in your wardrobe?

Monday, August 1, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Penny Pinching / Hoard Hammering

A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month!

Happy August! Today I embark on a foreign concept, self control. I am heading into August with the intention and determination to shop minimally for necessities and use up everything in my cupboards, fridge/freezer and bookshelf. Yes, I'm not just talking about food, entertainment too! No videos from the video shop, no new books, no new crafts! Everything we need to have a fantastic and fruitful life is already here, so thats what we are trying going to do!

It began with a survey of what we have. I'm well aware of all the books, DVDs, video games, board games and arts and crafts supplies we have, so all I had left to survey was the pantry/fridge/freezer.

All were full of useless useful things, I just need to get creative. The freezer was most full, so out came a chocolate cake (dessert) and pork mini roast (dinner). Then I set off to COSTCO (more on that tomorrow) and bought what we needed and a few house luxuries (paper towel, spray and wipe) and only one slip up, a $14 cardigan because I was freezing and had left my jacket at home. And yes, I'm pretending the marshmallows (pictured) didn't happen...

So far so good... I only cheated a tiny bit, and by confessing to it rather than hiding it I feel like I am truly on the ball. More to come, tomorrow for my Chellychatter is sickly and she needs love, affection and NUROFEN!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Special Eggys - The Method behind the maddness...

Okay - Photo Fail, but they tasted wonderful.

To get the best special eggys- (to the taste of Miss Four) I like to use rich, free range, antibiotic free eggs. I don't know if it's morals, or if these truely taste better- all i know is that they make for the creamiest, fluffiest eggys.

To make said eggs I pop the eggs, milk/cream and a couple of teaspoons of turmeric into the blender and pulse it until I get a cappucino like froth... I allow the pan to get really hot and then turn the temperature right down. Wipe the pan down with olive oil (it's essential these eggs don't stick) and spoon the mix into the pan as to keep all the air in. I slowly cook the eggs, folding them gently and pull them off the heat once they 80% cooked, then I gently fold 1-2 tspoons of olive oil spread (or butter if you want to feel even more guilt) and season them accordingly ... Miss Four loves salt, and I love pepper... Mr Skinny loves salt and pepper and Cholola Hot Sauce...

When dieting I use light milk or occasionally light soy milk, when indulging I use cooking cream.
 I usually make this for 5 people and use 12 eggs...(fatty I know) and about 1 cup of milk/cream.
Turmeric is optional, but I like to sneak it in when possible. It gives the eggs a gorgeous yellow colour, it is mild in flavour and there are great health benefits from this beautiful root.

This dish is best served with some warm toasty bread - and best enjoyed when the weather is miserable.
With the weather we've been having I'm enjoying indulging Miss Four and giving in to her 'Special Eggy' requests a lot more often than not!

For a list of health benefits of turmeric:

For home remedies using turmeric:

Monday, May 2, 2011

Organised in theory - disorganised in practice....Special Eggy's

Of the people that know me, 1/2 would say I am extremely organised, and the other half the opposite.
In theory, I am - I plan and get things together and I make things happen...and then it all slips away.
(I also get very involved in the project that interests me most - this sucks me in and until it's over it is all I breath, eat and sleep.)

I try to balance my world, but I just cannot seem to create that balance where my day would consist of a little bit of work, fun, shopping, exercising and cooking - as ontop of that, getting ready, tending to my mass of hair, and having a 4 year old (and the activities that come with that) don't seem to fit into the 18-hours that I'm awake every day.

Anyway - my solution is to get the banalities out of the way first and then squeeze in as much fun as I can.
For me, oddly enough - the most boring, annoying, tedious task of the day is making breakfast. I hate it and put it off as long as possible. In fact, I haven't even made it yet. Miss Four is dancing around me at this very moment um'ing and ah'ing "MUM, I WANT BREAKFAST!" I just gave her an ounce of attention; "What would you like mummy to make?" - to which she has responded "Special eggy's mumma - mashed, smashed, special egggy's"  - DONE!

And I'm off to make said special eggys - and hopefully, with any luck a recipe for the eggs with a photo will appear at the end of this post within the next couple of hours.... Wish me luck.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh my!

Wow, what a whirlwind life has been!
I was lost somewhere with Dorothy and Toto, and now I have finally found my ground.

Now I am sitting here contemplating how I will execute my daughter's fourth birthday party.

The theme is 'Circus'. The invites are perfect, the cake is planned (and will hopefully be as cute as I imagine it to be - I hope I can manage it!), the big-top is in creation and is sort of on it's way, as are the quirky novelties that are planned for the day!

What I haven't planned is the food - strange I know - but sadly it's true.
A food blogger that hasn't even a clue!

The invite promises sausages (in hot-dog stand format) and fairy-floss... and pop-corn is a given, but what else should grace the guests lips. Suggestions welcomed, and at the stage essential.

Meanwhile check out the invite and I will post some pics of excitement as it comes along!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I heart Peas

It's 1.30 pm and I get called in. Miss Marci, it's your turn. Please come through. They ask me to wash my hands thoroughly and then wipe my face and neck with some horribly stinky-blue dissinfectant. 

"Can you tell me why you are here today?"

I wanted to reply "Because you horrible people want to torture me" but instead gave the more accurate response...

"I'm here to have my lower, left wisdome tooth out." 

They explained that the tooth had fused to my jaw and that they were opting to chisel rather than saw into the jaw to remove it. They also make my sign a waiver which promises I won't sue if I never feel the left hand side of my face again.. I signed.. I was afraid...Now, well after 12 hours later, I can definitely feel my hurts!

Three hours later, with 6 large anthesia shots and 5 small ones, I emerged in a great deal of pain. Everyone said I should have had a general, but I just don't like the idea of them... anyway - I'm okay, but as aformentioned in a great deal of pain. I was handed antibacterial mouth wash and a panadol... I looked at the panadol and called my GP straight away. Within 15 minutes I had Panedine Forte in my pretty little hands- however, unfortunatlely for me, this number the pain from worse than Contractions to worse than Child Birth ... Yes - I am serious... This hurt more than Child Birth and more than Contractions (personally I think the contractions are more painful than the pushing...) anyway- totally off track... my point here is... on this food blog... is that Peas aren't just for eating. I love them, and they have been on my face for almost 24 hours now. I have two zip-lock bags, which I alternate from freezer to face as each packet melts.

I am so hungry - I can't eat.... this is food bloggers hell. Please someone take my pain, I will give birth for you in exchange!